While there are many weather apps on the market Dean saw an opportunity to provide a more engaging experience where the apps could be tailored to brands and content of interest to the user. This presents an opportunity for customers to not see rudimentary ads but engage with an app that draws them in towards doing business.
Dean has previously travelled through Asia, the US, Europe and Australia to understand more about how customers research and buy luxury products (including Bang & Olufsen, Audi, Porsche and BMW).
The research provided insights into the different triggers, cycles and approaches to buying luxury products as well as the way socio-economic factors affect people’s purchasing habits.
“You have helped us see where we need to improve”- Marketing Manager (Bang & Olufsen in Denmar
My Role
Dean was UX Design lead on the project to deliver:
Dean initiated and led this work to satisfy his curiosity about the psychology, behaviour and approaches people have in engaging with luxury products.
Dean initiated and completed user research into customer behaviour in engaging with luxury brands online including one on one interviews in New York, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Sydney, Stockholm, Singapore and London.
Dean flowed these insights into design exploration of the weather app targeted to customers of luxury and adventure brands.
This research was simply a self-initiated project to build a greater understanding in areas Dean has not previously engaged in, primarily the luxury brand customers.
Understanding and knowledge
The project provided many insights into the psychology and behaviour of luxury brand and affluent customers.
These insights have helped design customer journeys and pathways to attract customers with different ways of thinking and behaving.
The vision for the weather app was to:
• Present engaging and personalised content based on the customer’s interests
• Build brand affinity
• Create templates that could be applied across many brands and devices
• Create a service that could present not only the weather but integrate other forms of entertainment to build repeat traffic and regular usage
The story in images
Interviews in China, US, Europe and Australia
Dean conducted >30 in depth interviews about luxury products people had bought or were aiming to buy and the role digital played. Interviews were conducted in Shanghai, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Singapore, New York, Geneva, Stockholm, London and Sydney.
The research showed different motivations (jobs to be done), triggers, contexts and engagement cycles.
Some highly affluent customers researched a product (e.g. Maserati or Porsche models) to go in and test sales staff to see if they knew what they were talking about. Affluent customers were a hidden sales force to get their friends to buy luxury products though they are not recognised or rewarded.
Some affluent customers I call ‘Transactors’ thought one day they needed a new Audi 4×4 and within 2 days they had bought it.
Other less affluent and more aspirational customers may take years to buy a luxury product but were able to purchase smaller items that would promote the brand and build brand affinity.
This revealed opportunities for companies to engage and sell large number of cheaper ‘on ramp’ products to progress customers on their journey to being owners of the brand and products.
The luxury research let to the design of concepts for a luxury brand weather app to build brand affinity and engagement to foster purchases
Sketches, Workshops, User Flows, etc
Sketches, Workshops, User Flows, etc
Approach & activities
• Competitor Analysis
• Interviews with customers in different countries, cities and cultures
• Exploratory concept design