
Lendlease is a leading international corporation whose business spans construction, development and investment services.

I designed their site structure, page templates and interaction model.

“I like the way people can navigate between related areas to find how we can help them”Lendlease Leadership team

My Role

Dean was UX Design lead on many projects during the 5+ years with the bank, including:

The vision for how the site could help customers and stakeholders

Personal loan origination

Wireframes and templates


Lendlease’s businesses had grown rapidly to the point where the site’s structure could no longer accommodate the disparate companies that made it up. The site needed to present the company to potential clients to grow new business.

An endearing goal of Lendlease was that their projects leave a lasting positive legacy with the residents of their developments.

They also make sustainability a priority in everything they do and take a leadership stance internationally in this area. Consequently, Lendlease sought that the new site design helps them achieve commercial success but in a very humanistic way.


Stakeholder satisfaction

Stakeholders were extremely pleased with the design and how it represented their organisation to potential clients.

The test of time

The project work was completed almost 8 years ago but many of the key elements of the design still stand.

It has evolved but many of the core ideas have remained.


Dean played a key role in creating and realising the vision for:

A site that supported diverse customers around the world to find what they need and explore the site in ways they want.

This vision emerged out of Interviews with staff and customers around the world who would start wanting answers to learn about one of three key topics (services, projects and location of work).

We found they often then wanted to explore one of the other topics, or related projects, services or locations. They wanted to broaden and narrow their questions to see if Lendlease was the right company for their work.

Our vision helped customers get answers and build confidence to a level where they wanted to do business with Lendlease.

The story in images

Information architecture and user journeys through the site.

We found customers would often gravitate to projects that were similar or highly reputable internationally as the starting point in researching who they wanted to engage on their own project.

Potential customers would then explore what services were provided to understand Lendlease’s competence in areas they required.

The web site provided a strong credibility statement for Lendlease by profiling many projects and services they employed.

During collaboration with Lendlease’s stakeholders I was impressed by the way they framed their objectives from a desire to leave a lasting and positive impact for the people who would live and work in the communities they created.

The organisation’s focus on people and communities helped me see why the organisation had achieved such sustained long term business success.

In stakeholder interviews stakeholders placed strong emphasis on sustainability in the environment and among staff wellbeing.

They made every effort to do the best they could and these priorities have escalated to where Lendlease is now a leader in running sustainability and staff wellbeing programmes.

Approach & activities


• Stakeholder interviews to understand business objectives
• Competitor analysis
• Customer needs analysis


• Collaborative design with team members from diverse roles within the organisation (marketing, relationship managers and customer service)

Usability Testing

• Tested the designs with a small number of customers in different regions